Summertime in Alabama brings the “corn fairy” to our house. If I’m not home when the delivery is made, I know immediately that he’s been there as there’s a trail of husks and silks, and little clumps of mud, leading to the kitchen. My sweet friend who has a farm nearby shares his crop with me. Silver Queen is our favorite, however, any variety will do.

  • 8 to 12 ears fresh corn
  • Tbs gluten free flour (I like King Arthur All Purpose)
  • Tsp sugar (optional)
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Bacon Grease or other fat
  • 1 cup water

Begin by removing the husks and silks from the corn and rinse under cold water. If you’re buying corn from the market, look for ears with bright green tight husks and golden brown silk tassels. Using a sharp knife, cut the kernels off the cob in a downward motion (don’t cut too close to the cob so that you can go back and scrape off the good sweet milky juices). This can get a little messy, so using a baking dish helps.

Add lots of fresh cracked pepper, a tablespoon of flour (I use King Arthur All Purpose Gluten Free), and a teaspoon of sugar(optional). Heat a tablespoon or two of bacon grease (I keep a coffee cup in the refrigerator of reserved bacon grease left over after frying bacon – its a southern flavor staple). Add the corn to the skillet and “fry” for a minute or two to cook the flour. Pour in a cup of water to deglaze (pour the water into the baking dish you used so you don’t waste a drop of goodness), stir, and cook on medium a few minutes, then reduce to simmer until ready to eat. Summer family favorite!



Grilled Fresh Gulf Coast Cobia with Ribbon Zucchini and Southern Fried Corn
Avocado and egg bagel with southern fried corn for breakfast

Corn, or any other left over vegetable is fantastic to incorporate into breakfast: vegetable omelets, breakfast potatoes, breakfast tacos.

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